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upcycling fashion designer sustainable luxury designer
sustainable fashion designer
famous sustainable designer
sustainable fashion brand

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In Partnership with International Peace Bureau for World Peace Congress, Made in Africa UNEP, United Nations World Environment Day, Faith for Earth- United Nations and UN Earth Day- with sustainable luxury brand Runa Ray

Hand painted Couture

<img src="garments displayed.png" alt=“ garments displayed on mannequins with animals draped all and burning forests to discuss sustainability">
<img src="Draped Muslin.png" alt=“ industrial waste muslin draped to create silhouettes">
<img src="mink cape.png" alt=“ muslin draped to show mink furs used to create a shawl">
<img src="mink shawl.png" alt=“ muslin draped to show mink furs used to create a shawl">
<img src="dress with font.png" alt=“ a dress bearing the barcode font which says Fuck the Environment">
<img src="barcode font dress .png" alt=“ A short dress with rosettes and the barcode font that says Fuck the Environment">
<img src="draped dress.png" alt=“  industrial waste muslin draped to create silhouettes and the illuminated letters which in french say bad conduct">
<img src="jute jacket.png" alt=“ Jute zipper  jacket with mustard sprouts on the shoulder pads">
<img src="Long painted dress.png" alt=“ The back of a dress that is burnt and shows forests destroyed and burnt">
<img src="Draped Dress.png" alt=“  industrial waste muslin draped to create silhouettes and the illuminated letters which in french say bad conduct">
<img src="jute jacket.png" alt=“  Jute zipper  jacket with mustard sprouts on the shoulder pads and words that say Reduce reuse recycle Runa Ray">
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Sustainability in Fashion. The Rise and fall

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The Peace kaftan at the Indo-Pak Border, during Kashmir Lockdown

Imagination and sustainable luxury designer

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Climate march New York for the sustainable fashion designer Runa Ray

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United Nations Act Now Campaign with sustainable fashion brand Runa Ray

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